
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

now i have been looking into ebXML for some time now. the following are my view on the ANCPA(automatic Negotiation CPA)
one would find the following new acronyms and definitions
NCPA-- Negotiation CPA. thisis the stuff that will control the negotiation protocol
Negotiation BPSS instance document-- this document is used to define the negotiation collaborative protocol. it is referenced from tea NCPA.
NDD-- negotiator Description Document. this document will refer to the CPP/CPA template and declare what is negotiable.
Negotiaiton messages- the messages used to offer and counter-offer
Negotiation Protocol- the collaborative protocol that leads to the negotiated CPA
nEGOTIATION aLGORithm- this is the algorithm that the party will use in deciding on what to offer first and stuff like that. this represents the internal negotiation stratergy employed by the party
k now for the real thing
whenever a company goes out looking in ebXML registries it could find one of the following combinations
1) it finds a CPP(say party A`S) AND THEN Authors a CPA template using A`s CPP and its own CPP and NDD.
2) also use party A`s NDD if available
3) maybe party A has already published a CPA template which B can use in accordance with its own CPP and NDD.
k now remember that party A and B must obey to the rules of the NCPA so as to negotiate all this and make all these offerings and counter offerings. again this deal as to which NCPA to use can happen in 2 ways.
1) the party can configure its whole system to only 1 default NCPA that it has published and which the other party will have to use
2) the party can publish some NCPA templates which it can do with and the other party can choose one with which it can collaborate and fill the required information to make it a legitimate NCPA
thats prob it.
basically to summariZe
1) party A must find a party B.
2) it must then author a CPA template depending on what party B has published(CPP, NDD, CPA template)
3) Party A must then offer a CPA template to party B.( they have to agree to a NCPA for this, they can do it in 2 ways-- real and virtual. see above)
4) party B has the options of rejecting it(end of ANCPA) or making a counter offer
1) NCPA is the document that will tell that how an offer is to be made and stuff like that. 2 parties must agree toa a common NCPA to 'negotiate '.
2) Negotiation BPSS document is a kindoff Core Component.
3) negotiation Protocol is the actual protocol followed in negotiation by both the parish in actually performing the 'negotiation'
4) NDD is the document that what in the CPP is negotiable and is provided for reduction in non-viable offers
5) the above is base don my reading of the NCPA speX dated 1 nov 03.


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