
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Too much of webServices???

Top 10 reasons u know uve been hacking too many webServices...

  1. You start using URIs to address real envelopes while paying the bills
  2. You use XPath to refer to family members
  3. You can't understand why nobody thinks that SOAP is "simple" anymore
  4. You try to determine what portTypes your spouse exposes
  5. You don't have any trouble expanding BPL4WS
  6. You prefer to write code to find something on Google
  7. You ask for vanilla instead of doc/lit
  8. You purchase the "Infoset" license plate for your car
  9. You challenge people to say "UDDI's UUIDs" 10 times fast
  10. You no longer see the angle brackets, "just blond, brunette, redhead"

Accredited to


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