
Wednesday, March 09, 2005


burried somewhere in my list of newYear objektives was one of improving my kurrentAffairs knowledge n better understanding matters of finance n ekonomiks. hence jan'05 saw the paperWallah throwing in my room BusinessStandard rather than the usual, more komon TOI. i remmember during, when i was small, during the skool days, dad use to bring home a bunch of these yellow kolored papers. i thought they were yellow bcoz they were made ouoof some kindoff waste paper(bcoz they dint have money to buy new paper bcoz no one read tehre paper) n my dad was doin some kindoff charity by buyinig most of them everyday. lol. nice paper i must add. my favorite part though is not the main paper but some of the supplements. same kase with TOI. but for different reasons. TOI supplements are more picturesque so as to say.
anyway, thers 'teh Stratergist' which has this real kooll quiz that even when i try my best, am able to answer a maximum of 1-2 questions. theres also this one kalled 'ice world' which always has something to laugh about for me. i guess its one of those 'tekky stuff for financial geex' kind. they put in so much of bachha stuff n its really behind the turn of events. this time its apparently something about the google/msn search wars. a more intresting artikle on the sekond page talks about a produkt oriented IT base in india. definitely on the right lines. even personally, i would garner greater satisfaktion while workin for a produkt company rather than a services oriented one. sadly, as the artikle points out hte Indian big-wigs are more of BPO oriented.


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