
Thursday, November 25, 2004

Why OpenSource??? Reloaded

i must write sometime on why i think a wiki is more powerfull than a blog. blogs are very static. u blog about something and thats it. the maX possible is u get some commments and u respond to them. but wikis are more than just posting stuff. they are about evolving ideaZ. theres also one another point. wikis can and are at many times unfinished. u can sit down and finis it any time u feel like doing so. here in a blog i cant seem to write stuff which is still unfinished in my mind. i have to have a somewhat big picture in my mind. and i aint think a draft is a solution to that problem. infact what happens is once i click on the 'Save as Draft' link i aint seem to ever finish and publish it. anyway thats a different story. i was actually saying this bcoZ when i was reading the comments on my why openSoource post, i thought i needed to modify it, exapnd it, clarify it and at some times rephrase some of it so that i can convey better what i wanted to. unfortunately though blogging tools, donot allow me to edit the posts in a manner that would clearly potray teh evolution through which the post came to its final form.
anyway getting back to openSource.
First as to the comment on microsoft. the problem is that of choice. microsoft enforces stuff on u. how would u feel if u were told that if u drink pepsi, and if u wanna have a pitZZa then its gotta be a dominoZ. do hell with dominoZ. i wanna have one at pitZZa Hut. openSource helps to build 'best of the breed' applications and utilities. ofcourse microsoft is a great company with unparalleled business acumen. and we have lots of stuff to learn from it. but that does not change the facts.
k, then there`s this thing that isnt microsoft also following the nash eQuilibrium?? true. but towards what goal?? to restate the Nash eQuilibrium

the maximum benefit to a group can be realized if each individual works for his own benefit and the group's
In the context of microsoft, group=microsoft. and benefit=???. clearly benifit=money in this case. and that is precisely why, biologically or otherwise it has always been profitale to be diverse. in teh case of openSource, group='openSource dV community' and benifit='open, free sw'. that is the power of openSource.

my exams just finished and it has been a hell of a time. lots of pending stuff.should get back to regular posting soon


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